Seattle Livin’


I am always hesitant to post pics like these because our gorgeous Seattle weather is such a well-kept secret. But there you go – it doesn’t actually rain that much and we have plenty of glorious, sunny days.

West Seattle is quite possibly my favorite area of Seattle. There are two parts – there’s the beach side, which fills up with all the locals (and few tourists) during late Spring and Summer. Then there’s the other side, if you keep going past the beach and around the peninsula – less actual beach but more stunning views (in my opinion). It’s one of the best places (if not THE best) in Seattle to watch the sunset. Long ago (at least a couple years?) we noticed a rustic looking little Italian restaurant over here and kept saying we needed to go and have a sunset dinner one of these days. For whatever reason, we never did until this past weekend when, with me being in the mood for hearty Italian and realizing we had plenty of time to get there for sunset, we finally made our way over there! We were the only people who chose to sit outside – utterly baffling because THE VIEW! THE VIEW!! THE SUNSET! And really, it wasn’t that cold. In fact, sitting directly in the sun, we were plenty warmed up. The food was delicious and the ambience was extraordinary. Afterwards, we walked across the street to the water to enjoy a little more sunset time.

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When we were done in West Seattle, we drove home a less direct, longer way because, really… so many beautiful things to see ’round these parts.

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