As raw milk is something I feel VERY strongly about and I fear losing it completely here in the US, I’m working on a new website & I’d like your help. it’s called “The Faces of Raw Milk”. If you drink raw milk and especially if you give it to your child/infant, as I do, please contact me to share your experience & have it included. It’s time to change public perception and get vocal. We are in danger of losing raw milk altogeter. Please this spread around – I’d like to have stories from all over the world. Your experiences dont have to be elaborate, they can be as simple as “I’ve been drinking raw milk for 20 years.”

I want to fight back against the bad press and rumor that have been circling, lately, by putting many real faces & true stories on raw milk. I want people to know that it’s safe, healthy, delicious, and seriously in danger of being taken from us. I also want mothers to know that there is an alternative to formula, if you can’t breastfeed for whatever reason.

I completey understand if you don’t want your full name used – let me know if you want initials or something, only. I will also never publish details about where you get your real milk – my local drop point was shut down by an undercover agent (I’m absolutely serious, and raw milk is LEGAL in Washington) once before and, quite frankly, the local drop saves me an hour of driving to and from the farm.

I believe, strongly, in raw milk. I believe that pasteurized milk/dairy is not a whole food, is a processed food, and is almost nutritionally valueless. (Theres plenty of evidence to back that up.)

I believe that it’s MY choice to choose pasteurized or not. After all, I can eat sushi and drink raw (fresh squeezed) orange juice & purchase raw eggs, right? Same damn thing.

I believe – I KNOW – that raw milk is not only safe, but far superior. And I believe that we really need to start talking, loudly, about it. We’re *this close* to another ban, in the entire US. And guess what, foodies? They’re going after raw cheeses, next. And then what after that?

I’ve already gotten a few responses from drop point members, farms, etc and spoken to the Farmers League Defense Council (I may have gotten the name wrong) and am hoping they’ll ask people to contact me, as well.

Thank you!

1 thought on “REAL Milk

  1. velvet

    i’m definitely FOR raw milk, obviously, and if you can swing the budget, it’s the superior choice. i can’t wait till you have a website up about it, that’s so awesome. here in orange county, we can get it in regular health food stores like sprouts or mother’s, and i haven’t heard anything about it being banned around here, thankfully…i do tell lots of people how great i think it is!


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