Author: Nikki

movers and shakers

Planned: 1. Costa Rica, of course. (Even if I don’t get to the surfing part – which I hope I do because that would KICK ASS, I’ll be thrilled to increase fluency in Spanish.) AND I’m going to try to challenge myself by choosing as my accomodations the “sheltered hammocks.” For a whole month, I’ll […]

here’s how it is

While sitting outside on a bench eating lunch with a classmate, a little terrier came running over to us. He looked quite cute and friendly as he bounced over, seeming to want to play… and proceeded to pee on my bag of groceries on the ground by my feet. That pretty much sums up my […]

it’s starting to happen

I’m becoming all-consumed with The Move. That means I might actually be posting a little less, for real this time. I’ve spent hours at the computer for the past couple days researching housing, emailing groups like American Women in Prague (through yahoo), Czech bloggers I’ve found, and sending emails to housing agencies over there – […]