Category: Polyglot and Linguaphile

important words in Deutsch / coffee talk

To learn German, I spent the first month using Pimsleur (my old fallback) language cds, the “Step by Step German” book (the step-by-step series is GREAT), duoLingo, and Memrise. Being the obsessive linguaphile that I am, I’ve probably tried at least 50 different language apps for specific languages over the years and at least that many […]

Ich spreche Deutsch. Ich verstehe. Wie wunderbar!

This (to the left) is a screenshot of an email I was sending to myself of things to remember to pick up at the store. For some reason, I still, unconsciously, continue to spell “jogurt” with a ‘j’, Czech style. I do the same with ‘jo’ (instead of ‘yo’).  And now that I’m learning Deutsch, […]

Wintery Things from Christmases Past

I am determined to post every single old picture upon this blog at some point! “LOL”, as the kids say. I was thinking about Christmas traditions and new ways to decorate at home – it reminded me of the Czech tradition of decorating Christmas trees with orange slices and cinnamon sticks. (A great idea, I […]