Category: learning

sans queue ni tête

C’est assez naturel que j’ai finalement choisi de m’immerger dans la langue française. Depuis aussi longtemps que je me souvienne, j’adore les films français, la culture, l’art, et bien sûr la cuisine… mais principalement, j’aime la culture française de la philosophie, la sexualité… Toujours, je suis obsédée par les films d’art spécialisés et les films […]

voyageurs / viajeros / travelers

¡Hemos estado viajando mucho, recientemente! El mayo pasado, estuve en Berlin durante un mes, la navidad pasada viajamos al País Vasco (en Francia y España), viajamos a Santa Barbara un mes después País Vasco, y fuimos a Palm Springs / Joshua Tree in el marzo pasado. We’ve traveled a lot recently! Last May, I was […]

le courant de conscience: je lis, j’ai lu, je lirai / leo, leí, leeré

I used to read an extraordinary amount. When I was a child, I would always ask for several books for Christmas, and my mother would always oblige and wrap a tall stack of books for me to find under the tree. She did this, buying me a pile of books, knowing that I would immediately […]

!لحَمْد لله‎‎ا

لحَمْد لله‎‎ا means “Alhamdulillah!” which literally means “praise God!” “God” figures quite largely within the Arabic language, but I (and many Arabic speakers) are atheists so in that case it’s an exclamation of joy, for example: I’m feeling better – Alhamdulillah! The bus showed up on time – Alhamdulillah! I found some chocolate in the cabinet – Alhamdulillah! Or, […]

الموسيقى العربية

These past couple weeks I’m consciously realizing that I need to begin to immerse in the Arabic language. As I’ve had to choose classes for the Winter quarter, I’ve decided that this class (Arabic) is the most important one and the one I need to invest the most in. (Since I’m hoping these two years of […]